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A rattling sound effect library

Vibrate your world

This library features haunting rattle and earth shaking rumble sound effects. With this library we captured all droning, rumble, rattle and shake sound effects one could ever wish for.


Sound effects in various channel configurations

Recorded in multiple channel formats to provide an extensive range of options for your projects.


Epic rumbles and rattles

The bass shakers

We aimed to create high-quality shake, rumble, and rattle sound effects and researched various methods, including subwoofers. After discovering the vibro tactile IBeam bass shakers, we found they could generate ultraprecise vibrations and frequencies beyond other bass shakers. These shakers produce linear frequencies from deep bass to mid frequencies. To achieve our goal, we created a portable setup for attaching the bass shakers to various objects and setups.

Objects and location

We aimed to capture a wide range of materials, object sizes, and recording locations for our library. Some recordings were made in various studio environments, while others were done at real-world locations, such as a wooden house. We also recorded at the Torus studios foley stage, using a variety of interesting props, including steel plates, doors, and rocks. To capture rattling sounds, we recorded misc items like dishes, wine glasses, and pots on a board. 

These wind sound effects are meant to be creatively manipulated, and to enhance the variety of the original recordings, we have included 20 designed wind sound effect files that were created solely using the source recordings.

Our team put in extensive work to craft these designed sounds, showcasing the full potential of the Windhowler. They serve as a testament to what can be achieved with just the source sounds, adding even more versatility and creativity to your sound design projects.

A special location:

After we had spent days of research and driving around to find the perfect location  we finally were introduced to a private museum where they keep old train wagons and locomotives. It is actually an old engine shed hall full of historic trains and locomotives that partly date back to 1914. These huge metal locomotives combined with our powerful bass shaker setup delivered all the huge droning, rumbling and rattling sounds we have dreamed off.

Recording equipment

We used various microphone setups to capture a wide range of sounds. Our main setup included the Cinela Al Tri 8000 L,C,R microphones, which can provide rumble and rattle effects that fill the full LCR front instantly.

In addition to this setup, we also used wide-spaced omnis, shotgun mics, Trance Audio piezos, and the Sennheiser e602-II BD microphone – our secret weapon for an extra bass-heavy sound. These diverse microphone characters and channel setups provide an excellent resource for your sound design projects.

These wind sound effects are meant to be creatively manipulated, and to enhance the variety of the original recordings, we have included 20 designed wind sound effect files that were created solely using the source recordings.

Our team put in extensive work to craft these designed sounds, showcasing the full potential of the Windhowler. They serve as a testament to what can be achieved with just the source sounds, adding even more versatility and creativity to your sound design projects.

Capturing vibrations and resonance


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