A rattling sound effect library
Vibrate your world
Audio Demo
Sound effects in various channel configurations
Recorded in multiple channel formats to provide an extensive range of options for your projects.
Epic rumbles and rattles
The bass shakers
We aimed to create high-quality shake, rumble, and rattle sound effects and researched various methods, including subwoofers. After discovering the vibro tactile IBeam bass shakers, we found they could generate ultraprecise vibrations and frequencies beyond other bass shakers. These shakers produce linear frequencies from deep bass to mid frequencies. To achieve our goal, we created a portable setup for attaching the bass shakers to various objects and setups.
A special location:
After we had spent days of research and driving around to find the perfect location we finally were introduced to a private museum where they keep old train wagons and locomotives. It is actually an old engine shed hall full of historic trains and locomotives that partly date back to 1914. These huge metal locomotives combined with our powerful bass shaker setup delivered all the huge droning, rumbling and rattling sounds we have dreamed off.